Welcome to Osteopathic Healthcare of Maine. We are dedicated to applying the Osteopathic principles discovered by Andrew Taylor Still, MD and as expanded upon by William Garner Sutherland, DO and James Jealous, DO in the care of our patients. All of our physicians are board certified in the use of OMM and our practice is limited to consultations for this type of care. We use the full range of Osteopathic modalities, with an emphasis on Cranial Osteopathy and Biodynamics. Our practice welcomes patients of all ages and provides care for the full spectrum of their healthcare concerns.
Osteopathy is an apprenticed art that has been passed down, literally “hand to hand”, over the last 150 years. OHM also recognizes that Osteopathy is an evolving science. We are active in the study and teaching of Osteopathy and its insights into non-invasive health care. We welcome our Osteopathic and Allopathic colleagues, whether students, residents or attendings, who have demonstrated initiative in pursuing the principles and practice of traditional Osteopathic practice, through advanced study and course work. We generally prefer to limit rotations at OHM to several half days over a 1 – 2 week period. Month long rotations are available on a limited basis.
Typically, we will ask you to wait outside the treatment room while we ask the patient whether they are willing to have you present while they are being treated. If they give us their permission, we will welcome you into the room and make introductions.
Our primary focus is always to provide our patient with the best treatment experience available to them in that moment. We will involve you in that process to the extent to which the patient is willing and to which your involvement enhances the unfolding therapeutic process.
Although our physicians share a similar background in their training in Osteopathic Principles and Practice, we each have our own unique ways of expressing this, which may vary still further depending on the patient we are treating. So please be aware that these guidelines may change depending on these and other factors.
White coats are discouraged, but please dress in appropriate professional attire. Please wait for the physician with whom you are working to set the tone and tempo of your involvement. We will welcome you into the diagnostic and treatment process as it feels appropriate.
If you have questions, please be careful not to let them intrude upon, or interfere with, the therapeutic process. We welcome your insights and observations of what you sense within the patient, and this is the best time to identify what you are experiencing and to clarify its meaning. If it is not possible to discuss these fully during the appointment time, we are happy to entertain all questions during breaks or whenever time allows afterwards.
Although casual conversation often occurs during an office visit, especially when the patients and the physician have a long term relationship, it is important not to let these conversations become a distraction. This can be a very fine line, so keep your eyes open and follow the Osteopath’s lead.
Have fun and take full advantage of your experience.
Although casual conversation often occurs during an office visit, especially when the patients and the physician have a long term relationship, it is important not to let these conversations become a distraction. This can be a very fine line, so always pay attention and follow the Osteopath’s lead.
Have fun and take full advantage of your experience.